Scholarship from the German Centre for Art History (DFK) and the National Institute for Art History (INHA) - 2022


Bourse d'étude de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) et du Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris) - 2022

Scholarship from the German Centre for Art History (DFK) and the National Institute for Art History (INHA) - 2022

alarm Launch:

03/09/2021 at 00:00

schedule Closing:

05/11/2021 at 23:59


Time zone: Europe/Paris

Call for Applications – Research Grant from the German Center for Art History Paris (DFK Paris) and the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA)  


The Institut national d'histoire de l'art and the German Centre for Art History (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte - DFK PARIS) are for the third time jointly awarding a scholarship to study the history of the art market in France during the German occupation.


This scholarship is intended for art history researchers wishing to conduct original research on the history of the art market in France between 1939 and 1945. The fellows will carry out their research in Paris within the framework of these two institutions, spending six months at the Institut national d'histoire de l'art and six months at the German Centre for Art History. The aim is to encourage research in this field, to provide the laureates with a stimulating working environment and to facilitate exchanges with archival institutions and international experts. The German Centre for Art History and the National Institute for Art History have for several years been developing work and research on the history of the art market in the 20th century, in particular between France and Germany, as well as on international networks of art trade and art criticism. The two institutions cooperate within the framework of the bilateral programme "Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l'art à Paris sous l'Occupation allemande" (INHA/Technische Universität Berlin/DFK PARIS) which aims to describe the art market system of this period through its actors. Both institutions are thus well integrated into international work and documentation networks. It is from this environment that they wish to make young researchers benefit through the creation of this scholarship.



Funding Details


The amount of the scholarship is 1700 € per month for 12 months (JAN-DEC). The laureate will be hosted alternately for 6 months at INHA and 6 months at DFK PARIS, each institution taking care of 6 months of scholarship. The scholarship holder will have a work space, as well as facilities specific to each institution. An interim and final progress report is expected. This is a scholarship and not an employment contract: the objective is to support research in the field described above. The criterion of excellence will be decisive in the selection of the scholarship holders.





This fellowship is intended for researchers in training and early career (Master students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students) without nationality restriction. The only condition is to work in contact with researchers from both institutions during the year in which the grant is awarded and to stay mostly in Paris.



Selection Committee


The selection commission is composed of the director of the department of studies and research of INHA, the director of DFK PARIS, the head of the programme "Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l'art à Paris sous l'Occupation allemande" (INHA), the research director responsible for academic programs (DFK PARIS) and a qualified personality designated by both parties. The commission meets once a year to choose the laureate for the following year.



How to apply


Applications for the 2022 selection must be submitted online on the INHA platform HERE before midnight on  November 5,  2021 at the latest. Only applications submitted online on the INHA platform will be considered. The selection committee will be held in mid-November 2021.

The application file (in French or English or German) must include :

  1. A letter of application addressed to the Director of Studies and Research of INHA and to the Director of DFK PARIS.
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. A detailed work program (6 pages maximum) in French, German or English including a synthetic description of the project, the state of the art, the methodology and the objective pursued (a book, a thesis, an article, etc.). A bibliography with an indication of the sources to be consulted will complete this document.
  4. A statement by a scientific personality supporting the application.


Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.



Further Information and Contact:


Secretary of the director of the Département des études et de la recherche

National Institute for Art History (INHA)

Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 03 85 81



German Center for Art History Paris (DFK Paris)

Tel.: +33 (0)1 42 60 68 23

Department for grants, internships and support
