Participation in international conferences for art history students Year 2019


Soutien à la participation à des colloques internationaux

Participation in international conferences for art history students Year 2019

alarm Launch:

17/01/2019 at 00:00

schedule Closing:

15/02/2019 at 23:59


Time zone: Europe/Paris

Each year, the Institut national d'histoire de l'art offers financial support to art history graduate students and early career researchers who are presenting at international conferences. Graduate students must be enrolled in doctoral or a in a third cycle diploma from the École du Louvre, and young researchers must have defended their thesis no more than five years ago. As specific funds for national mobility are available, this scholarship is intended to support participation in international conferences only.

The scholarship offers to reimburse travel expenses, up to a maximum of 1000 euros.

Students who are affiliated with the institution(s) organizing the international event are not eligible to receive INHA’s support.

Applicants must provide:

  • - a cover letter addressed to the Directrice des études et de la recherche de l'INHA, detailing the applicant’s proposed contribution to the conference and the importance of the conference for the applicant's more general research,
  • - a curriculum vitae specifying the foreign languages used,
  • - specific information concerning the congress or colloquium (2019),
  • - a letter of recommendation from the primary thesis advisor,
  • - a summary of the applicant’s proposed contribution,
  • - a provisional budget.

Applications must be submitted online HERE before February 15, 2019.

For any further information, please contact the INHA's research and studies department by e-mail, or by telephone on 01 47 03 85 81.